The desire for happiness is universal in all humanity. It is a state that facilitates healing and well-being, prosperity, and love. Even though life cannot be pure happiness, and we all have to experience adversity in order to grow and get to know our strengths and limitations we can do much to promote the positive aspects of life and happiness.
“What you think of most of the time - you get more of.”
If we think and feel anger and resentment, life gives us more anger and resentment.
If we think love and tranquility, we receive more love and tranquility.
Be aware this may not be in the form we expect or desire initially. It is important to remember to keep an open mind and let your positive energy guide you.
The more you focus on happiness, the more happiness you will create and promote around you.
Happiness is a great healer!
Love and happiness go hand in hand. As you shift your focus to ward positive feelings you'll soon notice great improvements in your mood, your energy levels and health.
The choice is yours!
Two opposing emotions cannot exist within you at the same time!
Your best defense to life's adversity is to train yourself to become a positive and happy person. If you think and feel happiness, your outlook improves, you see more opportunities, you recognize there are solutions to whatever challenges you’re facing, and you can receive the benefits of all that life has to offer.
To quote Adlai Stevenson: "You can tell the size of a man by the size of the thing that makes him mad."
.... this hold true for women as well.
Happiness is infectious!
Many who made the shift to conscious happiness and love, notice the positive change in the attitude of their family members and friends.
Negative thinking, victimhood and fear are addictive!
Fear, anger, rage and other negative emotions trigger the release of stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol. When these stress states become the normal state of being, addiction begins. The person now needs to show anger, panic, declare victimhood and other emotional displays that trigger the release of these stress hormones. A person with this addiction most likely will not want you to give them solutions to their stated problem. Their purpose for telling you about their misery is to revive it and to get that adrenaline release they are so desperately craving.
If you find you have traits that match this description, you can absolutely overcome this addiction with a little help and a lot of determination.
If you find you have people with this trait in your close contacts, you may find that they will fade from your life the more positive you become. If they cannot "dump" on you and get their adrenaline fix you no longer serve their purpose. If they fade - it's ok. Be sure to replace them with people who have a positive outlook on life.
Two opposing emotions cannot exist at the same time!
Your best defense is to train yourself to become a positive and happy person. If you think and feel happiness, your outlook improves, you see more opportunities, you recognize solutions to whatever challenges you’re facing, and you can receive the benefits of all life has to offer for you.
The more you focus on happiness, the more happiness you will create and promote around you.
Happiness is a great healer!
Love and happiness go hand in hand. As you shift your focus to ward positive feelings you'll soon notice great improvements in your mood, your energy levels and health.
I have seen this principle in action time and time again. It works. It’s not that difficult, all you need to do is make a decision that from here on out you are a seeker of happiness. And as you do, you make this world a better place. With this in mind, I have a few tools for you, you may want to use to enhance your day.
Daily Practice:
Smile - the emotion will follow eventually!
Walk with a straight posture - It aligns your spine and helps you breathe better. A straight posture is vital to help generate emotions like self respect, feeling proud, strong, secure, accomplished, higher social standing...
Breathe deeply every hour:
Inhale with a smile - in with fresh air and feeling good
Exhale through the mouth - out with stale air and negative thinking, out with useless worry, making room for fresh air and fresh thoughts - fresh opportunities!
Always be mindful of the purpose of your conversations.
What are you trying to accomplish?
Do you need to prove you are right? - make your point after giving the other person credit or a compliment for something - be sincere. Your words are more likely to be heard.
Are you looking to gain cooperation? - is it really so urgent that you get full cooperation right away? Again start on a positive note, compliment or acknowledgement. Would a more gradual approach be more effective in the long run?
Are you angry and expect a good outcome?
Count to 10, breathe and allow yourself to be calm. Respond in a way that does not insult the other side. Stick with the issue at hand. How vital is it that you drive your point home right at his moment? Can it wait for a better time?
Are you looping on negative thinking?
Stress causes depletion of certain brain chemicals which in turn can cause certain behaviors to surface. If you notice that you are off every now and then, you will benefit from taking a moment and completing the Braverman test. You can download a free PDF here. Using a set of questions this test can help you determine what you can do to (supplements, nutrition) to regain a calm mental and emotional state. Many who find they start looping on the same thoughts find relief when supplementing with GABA. GABA is most effective when used as a chewable supplement but the capsules work too. Always check with your doctor before starting a new supplement.
Life wave has a number of patches that address various conditions such as difficulty sleeping, low energy, weakening immune system, etc. X 39 has proven to help with a positive outlook on life as well as boost performance, energy levels and heal the body. You can find out more about x-39 here
We cannot discuss emotional health without addressing the sugar addiction most of us are experiencing.
A sugary breakfast, sweet cereal, oatmeal, pancakes, coffee, and doughnuts, etc. overload your system with fast sugars, causing a huge amount of insulin to be released in order to balance your blood sugar and prevent you from going into an emergency state. The body often releases too much insulin - better safe than sorry - which causes you to experience low blood sugar soon afterwards.
You will know this when you feel the next sugar craving. Whenever your blood sugar is too high or too low you are susceptible to emotional outbreaks and irrational behavior. When you have a sugary breakfast, you will cause your body to go into an all day up and down swing of blood sugar, essentially you are almost insane most of the day. This does not help you when you're trying to go through your day while maintaining a positive outlook.
It is very important that you keep your blood sugar in balance. Instead of a sugary breakfast, have that leftover chicken leg or a handful of nuts or other non grain protein in the morning. Limit your sugar intake or better eliminate it altogether if possible.
Bread, corn, and other grains also convert to sugar and should be limited as much as possible. Caffeine will release glycogen from the liver as sugar and will contribute to blood sugar fluctuations early in the morning. This can be mitigated by eating protein early in the day and in doing so giving your body the ability to compensate without that high insulin release.
You will notice that you will be much more able to deal with your daily stress situations.